USER documents

MUST2 status

List of equipment (January 2013)   ListeMaterielMUST2expJanv2013vlx.pdf

Documents- summary of experimental configurations

VAMOS 2013 - 8 telescopes  ConfigExp655Schambre15sept13.pdf

LISE 2014 - 4 telescopes  ConfigBilanE628Must2March14.pdf


Guide for Cabling inside the M2C:  guideConfigMust2cablesM2C.pdf

 MUST2 experiments- configurations

 cf pages "experiments" developed by F. Saillant GANIL on the Web site:

DAQ documents -hardware

DAQ documents -software

        Time calibration, DAS configuration for CALIMERO:  ConfigDAQDasCalimero11March14vlx.pdf

  • Analysis

          GRU Ganil Root Utilities   L. Legeard GANIL

          NPTOOL  Web site:            A. Matta,  N. De Séréville IPNO


GEOMETRY - positions of the PCB on the DSSD frame for 9 MUST2 telescopes:

Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°1.pdf    Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°2.pdf

Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°3.pdf    Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°4.pdf 

Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°5.pdf  Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°6.pdf

Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°7.pdf  Métrologie_Atelier_MUST2_PCB_Si_n°8.pdf 



#8 - Mise à jour : 31/03/2015


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